Eric’s Court of Honor
Cumberland caverns
Add weekly plans to website
Here is a video that shows how to add weekly plans to the website. This is the Troop Webmaster‘s responsibility and the Troop Scribe will be responsible for updating the plans after the PLC meeting each month. Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
What Shall We Do With a Whiney Boy Scout (Florida High Adventure Version)
What shall we do with a whiney boy scout? What shall we do with a whiney boy scout? What shall we do with a whiney boy scout? Early in the morning! [CHORUS] Way hay and up he rises, Way hay and up he rises, Way hay and up he rises, […]
Add photos to Google Drive and put them in a Google Presentation
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fishing trip
Today we had a fishing trip. It was a beautiful day on the water. We caught a spanish mackerel, a king mackerel, corgie, lots of red snapper! Now the boys are working on there fishing merit badge and cleaning the fish.
Here is the smallest shark we caught today.
Pre HAT photos
Court of Honor
The opening ceremony lighting of the candles.