
Registration form for our April 16 merit badge workshop

Don’t forget to turn in the registration form for our April 16 merit badge workshop. It’s going to be a great opportunity to learn new skills or sharpen  skills that you alread have, and we’ll have some fun along the way. Please get those forms to me this week or by Monday, April 11, at the latest. You can submit them in paper form or send me an email with the info.
I am attaching some pages from the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge manual that you can use to prepare for the Saturday sessions. Rather than bringing your entire Family Emergency Kit, it will be fine just to bring a photograph or a list of what you have in the kit. However, please do plan on bringing the items for your Personal Emergency Kit. If you have trouble finding some of the items, please let me know and I’ll help you out.
We’re going to have an experienced instructor with us that morning, working with us on CPR, defibrillator and emergency preparedness skills. Mr. Mike Hackney is a veteran Boxwell instructor — and we don’t have to go out of town to receive this top-notch training.
Also in the afternoon you’ll have the opportunity to work on other merit badges, so indicate on your registration form what your interests are and your troop merit badget counselors will be prepared to help.
Have a question or suggestion? Need another copy of the registration form? Send me a note or call me at 415-0147.
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