
UPCOMING MERIT BADGE OPPORTUNITIES – Scholarship MB (Right Now!) + Genealogy MB Workshop (Sat., July 23rd)

Dear Troop 3 Scouts & Parents –


Below is information about TWO exciting Merit Badge opportunities Troop 3 Scouts have this summer in addition to summer camp at Boxwell.


The first of these, the Scholarship MB (being coordinated by Troop 3 MB Counselor, Melinda Sanders) needs to be started before the end of the school year in order to get the necessary signature from school leaders, but can easily be finished off during the summer.


The second is a day-long Genealogy MB workshop at the Tennessee State Archives on Sat., July 23rd.  Please mark your calendars!


The Scholarship badge recognizes all the hard work that the Scouts go through each year just to do their best in school.  It does not require all A’s or being in the Honor Society.  It only requires that you improved your grades over the year OR that you have a B average.  Now is the time to get it because you have to have your principal (or someone that he/she designated) sign off that you have done your best. We have a form that will make it easier on you and your principal.  (See form attached.)  If you bring the form and your report card and we discuss your extracurricular activities, you are halfway there because there are only 6 things that need to be done to get this badge. Did I mention that they were easy?

I am a counselor for this badge.  If you call or e-mail me, I will come on a Monday night to sign off on your requirements.  Over the summer, we can finish the last three things; and you will have this badge by the next Court of Honor!  If you have questions, call me.  Melinda Sanders (Eric’s and Sam’s mom), 868-5800;


Click here to see  Scholarship MB Requirements

Click here for Scholarship MB form for Principal

2) GENEALOGY MERIT BADGE WORKSHOP – Sat. July 23rd @ TN State Archives

Ever wonder who all those people in old family photos are, or where your ancestors originally came from and when they first came to America?  You can find out all this and more by digging into your family history.  With the help of professional researchers & archivists at the Tennessee State Archives you can learn the basics of genealogical research and have access to city, state, and national records as well as on-line databases like for your research.   Not only will you find out a lot about your family tree, but you can earn the Genealogy merit badge in the process.   Parents are encouraged to attend this free workshop with their Scout.  More info & a signup form will be coming home soon, but please save the date!


Click here to see  Genealogy MB Requirements


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