

Sipsey Wilderness

Honey Badgers All of the patrols and parents going on the trip meet up at the church at 5:30 to split food and check packs. We all got into our cars and we were off! Once we got to the Sipsey parking area we ate our cracker barrel (lots of snacks) […]

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Turkey Fry 2013

Overall, the turkey fry went very well. The 1st shift got there before 6AM and started sitting everything up.  The temperature was well below freezing when we started and pretty much all day long. The kids in the troop were responsible for preparing the turkeys to be put in the fryer […]

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fiery gizard

we got to our campsite at dark. We unpacked our tents and set them up. the next morning it was terribly cold! We ate breakfast and  started on the hike. we saw some beautiful sights from the over looks. we stropped at a nice place to eat lunch and refill […]

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Frozen Head Post

Frozen Head Trip, 9-21-13 We met at the church at six o’clock when it was still dark and raining. We packed our gear in the cars after eating delicious sausage and biscuits made by Miss Becky. The ride was about two and a half hours but it seemed shorter. When […]

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webmaster meeting

Raef, Colin, Fredrick, Jordan, Reuben, Horace, Mathew, Spencer, and I (Cooper) met at my house to have a webmaster meeting. We set up our laptops and Ipads and updated the website. I think that we were very successful.

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Frozen Head

Remember, it will rain so be sure to bring a rain poncho and extra clothing. You should also put your your clothes in plastic bags to protect them from  humidity. Bring extra socks.

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